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Conquering Demon lord


I watch a lot of anime, way too many for this habit to be healthy. So I try my best to extract as many motivation points I can find. Sometimes motivations, sometimes ideas and sometimes a way of life.

Having watched a lot of series involving Demon Lord in which a hero party goes through huge challenges to beat the lord. They work tirelessly for years to free their world of demon lords' anarchy. They start as adventures, build up their teams, slowly level them up with the help of guild's tasks.

Apart from anime, there is something else also that keeps jumping in my mind: to start my own company/startup. Because of which I couldn't help but observe the similarities between the two - starting a startup and starting a conquest against demon lord.


  • extremely difficult
  • need strong balanced teams
  • very high returns
  • there will be plenty of near death moments (company (startup) | self (conquest))
  • need high agency, plenty of luck & grit
  • long time investment needed
  • will probably change the world for better
  • need to be adaptable, and learn way too much

Maybe this list will be common with everything that is extremely difficult and important.